
Mar 14

A Tale of 3 Auroras

During the nine performances of Charlotte Ballet’s Sleeping Beauty, three ballerinas share the lead role of Aurora: Alessandra Ball James, Jamie Dee Clifton and Sarah Hayes Harkins.

Jean-Pierre Bonnefoux is an artistic director heralded as encouraging each dancer to bring their own personality to the role. Learn more about each lady’s first performance and don’t miss them in the final weekend of Sleeping Beauty!

Tickets start at just $25. Purchase today!


Alessandra Ball James

A ballerina and super mom, Alessandra hosted her son’s birthday party earlier in the day, then performed the lead role of Aurora with partner Josh Hall that same evening. I’m exhausted just writing about her day.

From the Audience:

“It was beautiful. Alessandra and Josh gave me goosebumps.”


Jamie Dee Clifton

Jamie’s daughter Kilian was in the audience to cheer on her mom and partner James Kopecky during the show!

From The Audience:

“Jamie and James were perfection.”


Sarah Hayes Harkins

Sarah danced the role of Aurora, famous for the technical precision it requires, for the very first time alongside her partner Drew Grant.

From the Audience:

“Sarah’s performance was beyond fabulous!”